Post by Admin on Nov 17, 2016 20:19:42 GMT
Hi, I'm a medical student so I'm immunized for hep B. After a conversation about this with my girlfriend's father who works in a recycling plant manually sorting rubbish it turns out that he isn't immunized and the employer is being funny about offering it. He routinely has sharps (razor blades and needles on occasion) and general dangerous rubbish (glass, sharp tins etc) on the line. On a number of occasions he has had puncture wounds through his gloves. What is the legal side to this and who is responsible for picking up the costs for immunization etc.? Many thanks
Post by Admin on Nov 21, 2016 18:49:51 GMT
The Green Book on Immunisation states clearly that every employee has a right to test immunised to HBV before undertaking exposure prone risks. However nearly all employees on under £12 per hour miss this protection recyclers, first aiders, cleaners, security workers, chefs, bar maids etc millions of people. Legally employers are responsible but it has proved very hard to prosecute and prove blame, so many callers in Intensive Care Units with acute HBV want to but so far this has not happened. We do ask employees to contact us and let us try as we are much better place to explain the clear and present dangers and often have infected staffers to hand to explain their existence to non believers. We currently have a Police man, a first aider a cleaner a funeral worker a nursery carer and several security guards.